Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions about Reiki here, if you still need help then please contact us at

Reiki is the universal life force energy that flows through space, time, and all the matter in existence. Since we are part of that matter, Reiki also flows through us. Reiki energy is comparable to a radio station broadcasting radio waves everywhere. There are no wires connecting the radio station with your home, but when you turn on the receiver and tune into the radio waves from the station, you receive what they are sending. Likewise, the principles of a Reiki session are the same.

In scientific terms, bodies are energetic in nature, with our bones resonating at lower frequencies, and our blood, thoughts, and emotions resonating at higher frequencies. This pulse running through us is the Bio-Magnetic Field, which in eastern medicine, is known as one’s Chi, Prana, or Reiki.

When a practitioner is performing a Reiki session, the energy measured emanating off of their hands produces significantly higher magnetic readings of 7 to 10 hertz in the Theta and Alpha range than from the hands of a non-practitioner. This energy frequency is associated with feelings of contentment, relaxation, and overall wellness and reductions in fear, anxiety, depression, and stress. Other common observations after receiving Reiki sessions are reductions in physical illness, injuries, and chronic physical, mental, and emotional conditions.

Reiki is associated with feelings of contentment, relaxation, and overall wellness and reductions in fear, anxiety, depression, and stress. Other common observations after receiving Reiki sessions are reductions in physical illness, injuries, and chronic physical, mental, and emotional conditions. Reiki can also...

  • Help with the treatment of addictions, weight loss, and clearing unwanted habits.
  • Reduce stress, clear emotional blockages, aid in grief, reduce inflammation, and aid in spiritual growth through creating mental clarity, inner peace, and harmony.
  • Be very beneficial with reducing pain and nausea that has to do with Cancer treatments such as Chemotherapy, as well as reducing side-effects from new medications and medical treatments.
  • Can help recovery from long-term illness, surgery, and chronic pain.
  • Reiki can help alleviate feelings of depression, anxiety, and fear when done on a regular basis, and can help one create solutions out of problems, initiate the creative process, bring resolution to conflict, cleanse and protect, and bring balance to one’s life.

These are just some of the benefits that consistent Reiki sessions can have on the individual...Reiki is infinite!


As a practitioner that has performed both in person and distance Reiki sessions, I have gathered that when both the practitioner and the client are able to channel and receive Reiki in the comfort of their own sacred spaces, a stronger connection is made. Often times there are walls put up when one enters a space in which they are not familiar, and we don’t want any energetic walls built that can hinder the flow of the Reiki energy and the benefit it can be to your body-mind.

You can receive the benefits of a Reiki session without leaving your home and even without leaving your own bed! When both you and the practitioner are comfortable and in a familiar environment, both participating body-minds can let go and create a more magnified experience. This is also very beneficial if you are unable to leave your home due to an illness or other matter, or if you have a busy schedule and need to squeeze a session in between work times. No matter where you are in the world, Reiki can reach you.

To summarize the benefits of Distance Reiki…

  • You do not need to leave your home or travel anywhere for your session.
  • Your session can be done in the location of your choosing
  • Distance Reiki saves time
  • You and I can focus on the energy in our own comfortable spaces
  • There are no distractions of the physical body (more focus on the energy).
    (Less energetic “walls” are built, and energy can flow freely.)
  • Very convenient in a busy world

When you book a Reiki session with me, we will correspond by email. I will begin channeling Reiki to you during your appointment time. Your Distance Reiki session is done in the comfort of your own home, or wherever you feel most comfortable and at peace, without any distractions.

Do not use your phone or computer during your session. Reiki is best received when you are free from technology. We will NOT be in contact during the session in order to minimize distractions and optimize the flow of Reiki. If something comes up during the middle of your session and you have to move, do not worry, Reiki is still being channeled to you, and you will still receive the benefits.

To see exactly what goes into a session with me CLICK HERE :)

I will send you an email when the session is over with ways to take care of your body and mind post-Reiki, as well as any information that I gathered during the session. Drink plenty of water after a Reiki session to help facilitate the cleansing process.

Just be…that is all.

  • Go to the restroom and put your phone away before your session to minimize any distractions.
  • Find a place to relax, you may play meditation music of your choosing or receive in complete silence, whatever moves you at the time.
  • I recommend lying down on your back with your arms at your side and your legs uncrossed. If you feel more comfortable sitting up, that is also acceptable.


Some things you may experience are:

  • A strong emotional response or release (keep a tissue box near just in case)
  • Feeling hot or cold
  • Seeing colors or lights
  • Involuntary movements like twitching
  • Stomach rumbling
  • Falling asleep
  • Utter relaxation
  • Or nothing at all...this is all completely normal and acceptable! :)

That is also completely normal! Everyone is an individual and reacts differently to Reiki. Some may experience tingling or temperature changes during a session, and others may not. You may feel or see things during one session, and not feel anything at all in your next session. This does not mean that your session did not benefit you. Reiki can cause positive changes immediately, but it is not always a quick fix, and can reveal itself over time in some instances dealing with deeply rooted emotions and chronic pain. Reiki can help the individual as a whole over time.

Often you may find that the more sessions you have, the better you feel. It does not have to be a drastic change in order for it to be a change for the better. Be open to the process and you will receive. Sometimes what you think you need to change or what you would like to “fix” is not the actual thing that your body needs. Your body-mind knows what is best for you, and through Reiki, your body can help heal itself, but it might not be for the reason that you sought out Reiki for in the first place.

Be open, and you shall receive the wonderful effects of Reiki. :)

No! Always consult with your doctor before receiving any new treatment, including Reiki. Reiki is not supposed to replace any western medicine or regular doctor visit. Reiki is used best when used in addition to traditional western medicine.

Did you know that Reiki is now being used by many hospitals in the United States?

As of 2014 over 60 US hospitals now recognize Reiki as a valid form of treatment. UCLA, Johns Hopkins, and Yale New Haven Hospital are just a few of the prominent hospitals recognizing Reiki.

In 2009, The Center for Reiki Research completed the Touchstone Project, which was a way of measuring outcomes of the reiki process, and it indicated that 83% showed moderate to strong evidence of Reiki as a legitimate therapeutic modality.

Since healthcare equipment and treatments are becoming so expensive these days, more and more hospitals are recognizing Reiki as a valid treatment in addition to western medicine modalities, and more and more patients are looking to Reiki as a way to supplement their treatments and facilitate the healing process. Isn’t that fantastic?!

I am a certified Usui Ryoho Reiki Master/Teacher and a certified Crystal Reiki Master Practitioner in which you can receive the benefits of both traditional Usui Ryoho Reiki and Crystal Reiki in each session. I am also a certified Animal Reiki Master Practitioner for the pets in your life. :)

In addition to my Reiki licenses, I am also a graduate of Pepperdine University’s Sports Medicine program in which I learned the western medicine ways of body treatment, biology, anatomy, injury prevention, injury treatment, and how to treat your body “well” in order to perform at your personal best.

I am also a certified Master Herbalist with a focus on creating Body Recovery formulations that help relieve chronic pain and live your very best life. Check out some of our Body Recovery magic here

In order to treat the person as a whole, a balance of eastern and western medicine should be utilized, and I have found that Reiki in combination with traditional western medicine creates the ideal situation for healing and feeling your personal best.

I am so excited to start this personal journey of wellness with you! :)

Book whenever you feel called to do so! :)

You know your body and mind better than anyone, trust that you know what is best for it. I recommend booking your sessions at least every month to check in with yourself and take time to just be with yourself in this busy life. Take time for your health, you will be thankful for it.

If things are a little tight at the moment, I completely understand! We have an amazing safe space community of Beautiful Souls over on Youtube that participate in FREE weekly Distance Reiki healings done in a relaxing ASMR form: CLICK HERE TO RSVP TO YOUR NEXT SESSION

Thanks for visiting Beautiful Soul! :)